Large Munsterlander fundraising


At the moment we have no merchandise for sale but hope to do so in the near future.


These are held occasionally in either Lincolnshire or South Yorkshire and are run by our friends and supporters. These will be well advertised in the local press and on facebook.
The biggest change to fund raising over recent years has been setting up our facebook pages. Firstly, Large Munsterlander Rescue UK is a general page where we can have for sale items, news about the dogs and photographs. The items for sale are at a set price. To join this page and participate in this friendly group, go to the page and request to join and one of the Admins will confirm your request.
The same goes for our Large Munsterlander Rescue Auction Group, so you can join this in the same way. Here we feature all the things that our kind supporters place for auction to raise funds for Rescue. We have had holidays, jewellery, ornamental figurines, clocks and watches and so much more. It is easy to add items, set a starting price, postage and packing cost, and a finishing time and date. You can bid on any of the items as your profile will come up with the bid amount – keep an eye on the bidding as it can get busy towards the close. The person who placed the item for auction will confirm the winning bid and you can then send a cheque for the bid amount, plus postage to Rae Massey and when this is received, your item will be despatched to you.


HPR Licence to Hunt

A new book written by Phil Pearson for all HPR enthusiasts who work their dogs and for newcomers to the sport.
Phil Pearson has owned and worked GSPs for 38 years and is an A panel HPR Field Trial judge
The book encompasses every aspect of training and working an HPR plus comments of anecdotal accounts of days in the field.

A paperback version is now available at the price of £14.99 with £5 post and packing.

All profits from this book will be donated to Hunt Pointer Retriever rescue breed clubs and associations who's dedicated work never ceases. This book has been written solely with this aim in mind.

To order please contact Phil by email
Or visit

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Munsterlander Auction Facebook
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